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Property evaluation

  • Type of house

  • Quality of construction

  • Facilities and services

  • Area capacity

  • Area competition


  • Decoration and rearrangement of the space to make it more appealing

  • Tips for optimizing the view of your property

Photo space and photo editing

  • Professional photography of the space, for better viewing in the platform and on the internet

Creation and Management of Listing

  • Creation and entry of the property on the world's largest platforms (Booking, Airbnb, Trip advisor, etc.)

  • Management of registration on tourist accommodation rental platforms

  • Registration on Google business and google maps

  • Setting of the best possible price for your property based on specific criteria

  • Smart pricing and continuous price monitoring

  • Communication with guests 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

  • Full management of the account on platforms and increase of its visibility

  • Online reservation, availability, synchronization of calendars

Copy writing

  • House description

  • Benefits

  • Area

Communication with potential visitors

We undertake 24/7 contact with prospective visitors to the house, ensuring that we answer any queries that may arise

Home and area guide

Printed and digital instructions for proper operation of the space and digital guide of the area

Reservation Management

Changes and Reservation Confirmation

Renewal of entries

Upgrade or change the listing in case of changes

Price management

Change prices according to demand and season to ensure maximum profit

Settlement of damage with agents and visitors


  • Issuance of short-term lease number

  • Number of nights spent on TAXISNET every month

  • Issuance and notification of payment of the residence tax

  • Update of the details to be entered in the statement of the following financial year

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